Thursday, July 28, 2011

My life now... & My delightful book reviews. :D

Well it's been about two years since my last post. I guess it's about time. The reason for my long absence you ask. Nothing to say I guess. But lately Craig (my husband, I got married since my last post) has been telling me since I read so much I should critique what I read. "That's a good idea," I thought.

First thought I should tell a little about my life now... Craig and I are loving life and enjoying being married. We have so much fun EVERYDAY! We laugh a lot, and talk a TON. I am working in a group home, teaching social skills to girls 13-18, mostly 18. I like my job and Craig still loves working with computers and making them run better. He's always updating my machine, (don't you all wish you had a computer tech as a husband?) I appreciate and love him more everyday. I am on target to start school again in the Fall, I'll be a Sociology major still, with a history minor. I'm hoping to add teaching onto my major/minor so that I can be an educator when I grow up. :D We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you all posted.

So here it is, the thing you've all been waiting for, my book critiques...

I have been really into Rick Riordan lately I have read all of his books for juvenile readers (minus the one I'm reading now, I'm only a third of the way through The Throne of Fire.)

The Heroes of Olympus, The Lost Hero is Rick Riordans sequel series to the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series. It is as exciting and full of mystery as Percy Jackson. Riordan has a special talent of making you wonder what's going to happen next and how the book will end. His books are full of imagination and historical legend. He will keep you turning the pages until the last one. And when you are done he makes you wish that his next book was around the corner at the local library. Unfortunately you have to wait 'til October to find out what happens to Jason, Piper, and Leo, and learn if they ever find Percy.

The Kane Chronicles, The Red Pyramid, and The Throne of Fire. This is another series by Rick Riordan. The first book is The Red Pyramid. Riordan keeps with his clever ability to bring history to life in this series. A draw for Riordan books is that you don't only get a good read full of adventure, he also gives a history lesson along with the fun. The Kane Chronicles are slightly less exciting than his Greek Mythology reads but still worth the time to read.

Animal Farm is a classic book with many political implications, this book as been a favored assignment in many classrooms in the last 20 years. I enjoyed thoroughly my reread of this look into George Orwell's imagination. He teaches great lessons in this book about not becoming the who don't want to be.

Along with my current reading of The Throne of Fire I have been introduced so loving by my husband to The Help this book is all the rage right now and being a third of the way into it I can see why. The Help is full of insight and indignation at the plight of the black maid in the early 1960's the author Kathryn Stockett gives you a look into the lives of women both white and black in the book. This bestseller is on schedule to have a movie of the same name come out in just two weeks. I hope I have it done in time to watch the movie. This is a great pick for any reader, avid or someone that only likes to read every once in a while. Be prepared to hang out on the waiting list at your local library though.

I almost forget the other book I've recently read, The Bridge to Terabitha, was delightful to read it was full of imagination and real life as the characters had to deal with family and friend troubles, the kids in the book learn some adult lesson when faced with the bully, death, and growing up. A great read for any age.

This was fun for me, go read a book,

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